• Discussion of section 16 of the different types of orders that a presiding officer may make
• Contemplating the question if a court make an order pertaining to an amount in arrears except as provided for in sections 26 and 31?
• May a Maintenance Court make an order that the arrear amount must be written off?
• Can a court make an order that maintenance be deducted from a pension fund or from the benefits in a provident fund?
• Brief discussion of orders by default and orders by consent
• How and when may an aggravated party appeal against an order made by the Maintenance Court?
• Discussion of the orders that can be appealed against and orders that are excluded from appeal
• Explanation of the process of appeal and the documents and time frames within which an appeal must be done
This section contains the slideshow (if used), webinar handout and important resources that we will be referring back to during the webinar. Please download and print these before the start of the webinar or have them available electronically to enhance your learning experience.
• Maintenance Act, Act 99 of 1989
• Regulations Maintenance Act 99/1989
• Handout: What types of orders can the court make and how and what orders can be appealed?
• Slides: What types of orders can the court make and how and what orders can be appealed?
All prescribed maintenance forms:
- Form A [J101] – Application for Maintenance Order
- Form B [J107] – Substitution or Discharge of existing Maintenance Order
- Form G [J214] – Consent and Maintenance Order in terms of section 17 read with Section 16 of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form I [J256] – Application for Variation/Setting Aside of an Order by Default in terms of Section 19 (4) of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form K [J306] – Application for Enforcement of Maintenance or other Order in terms of Section 26 of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form M [J435] – Application for Setting Aside of a warrant of Execution in terms of section 27(3) of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form N [J438] – Application for Suspension, Amendment or Rescission of an Order for the attachment of Emoluments in terms of Section 28(2) of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form P [J458] – Application for Suspension, Amendment or Rescission of an Order for the attachment of Debts in terms of Section 30(2) of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]
- Form Q [J470] – Complaint of Failure to Comply with a Maintenance Order for purposes of Section 31(1) of the Maintenance Act, 1998 [Regulation 6]